Simplify: Re-evaluating your goals

The early motherhood years is often a time when many of us take on new ventures and projects like starting a home business, a blog, our enrolling for further study.

Often, this is due to having resigned from your full-time pre-kids job and having more freedom to pursue something that really lights you up.

However, for many mums, being at home with their kids, or scaling down to a part-time job and not actively climbing the career ladder, leave them feeling like they are being ‘left behind’ and diminished to being ‘just a mum’.

There is an urgency to ‘be more’ and often jumping into new ventures and setting big goals for themselves give them a sense of direction and control.

Having goals and ambitions are fantastic, and pursuing these can bring immense meaning and joy to our lives. However, as mums of young children, it’s no secret that the demands on our time and energy are extremely high.

It’s therefore important to stay mindful of whether or not our goals are truly aligned with where we are right now in our lives.

It might be time to simplify things and reconsider whether a goal is right for you, right now when:

-          Striving towards this goal leaves you with no time for self care, rest and relaxation

-          You are feeling stressed and overwhelmed

-          You feel disconnected from your kids and partner

-          You experience a constant sense of frustration

If this is the case, from a place of curiosity and kindness, ask yourself:

a)      Is this goal or project something that is absolutely necessary in my life right now?

b)      Is it truly worth the time and energy I am putting into it? (E.g. Does it bring me sufficient joy to make up for the stress it’s adding to my life?)

c)       What is it costing me?

d)      Is it possible to put this goal on hold for a few months/years?

We often experience a sense of urgency when it come to our goals. It can feel like if we don’t work on them NOW, we will miss the boat.

However, when we have an honest look at things, we might realise that ‘parking’ this goal for a little while or slightly shifting the goal posts, might not mean the end of the world. It might just give us a bit more time and space to be present and enjoy and this current season in our lives more fully.

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