Holistic health Tip - Switching to decaf could dramatically improve your health

The most common trait I see in my private practise is anxious, wired & tired women. Majority of these women are depending on coffee to get them through the day but don’t understand that this daily consumption of caffeine is working against them.

I get it, i’ve been in that sleep deprived state where coffee is as important as your left arm & the thought of not having a daily cup (or three) of coffee sounds like torture, but hear me out. Caffeine affects the nervous system in multiple ways, some of which are desirable, but many of which are unwanted & most are working against you.

Caffeine enters the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine and within 15 minutes it passes through the blood-brain barrier, where it has an effect on our body.

Caffeine affects one of our neurotransmitters (adenosine) that is responsible for energy production, metabolism & feeling calm. This gives you temporary mental alertness but long term fatigue. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine does not directly increase energy metabolism in the body; in fact, long-term consumption actually suppresses it.

#mind blown

Other nervous system effects of caffeine include racy heart, increased appetite, thirst, anxiety, nervousness, dilation of air passages, anal sphincter relaxation (who empties their bowels after a coffee) and insomnia.

So whilst you’re feeling the initial effects of a coffee I want you to now recognise the long term effects. If you suffer from anxiety or fatigue then switch to decaf. You still get the ritual of having a coffee without the impact on your nervous system.

Look for water decaffeinated coffee, this means they use a water process to remove the caffeine & not chemicals.

Tell me how wonderful you feel after 1 month without caffeine …. I dare you to give it a go.

Gina xx
