Motherhood versus Aspirations

Yes, Motherhood is an aspiration, a hope and desire many of us have, for some it happened easily and for others it took years of heartache and stress. Now that we are mothers the word love doesn’t seem adequate enough to describe how we feel about our children, they come first, without question. 

But what about our own aspirations? For many of us, while our children are young, it’s not an option for us to even think about our own personal ones. Responsibilities and obligations pile up and often force out things that really need to hold their spot in our lives. It happens to all of us, some of our pieces get replaced or forgotten.

This can begin to change as routines are set and children start getting older, we can then start to tempt ourselves with the odd thought about what we could do for ourselves again. Outside of work and children, it’s important we reassess whats on our own bucket list, vision boards and dreams.

The thing is, we know we need to be careful and also calculated with what we fill our sometimes very limited me time with, as it needs incredible flexibility if our children need us. 

As mothers, many of us face this dilemma, because at any given moment everyone’s needs and desires can pile onto us at once like a laundry avalanche. It also needs to be fulfilling because why would we waste our time doing something that we don’t enjoy, if it means precious time away from our family?

I have struggled with my own aspirations for years now because of my new identity as a mother. I’m a vision board, goal setting type person and over the last 6 years, I’ve barely toyed with the idea of a personal aspiration as I know I just wouldn’t have found the time. I have accepted the fact that I’ve chosen to take the long view when it comes to my own aspirations. My pieces are still there, some a little hazy but I’ve put them safely in a box as I know I'll revisit them when I can, because right now I’m living one of my biggest ones, being able to be a mother.

Right now, we have the opportunity to cherish what stands in front of us, these precious little people who call our name constantly, asking for snack after snack after snack, wanting to be tickled, played with, danced with, read to, sung to, cuddled and loved, so right now that may be your only aspiration and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Just make sure you hold on to the other pieces of you.